Life­boat orga­ni­sa­ti­ons such as the KNRM (Roy­al Nether­lands Sea Res­cue Insti­tu­ti­on) do not allow “any­o­ne” to build their ves­sels. Such boats have to be able to with­stand hur­ri­ca­ne strength winds and sea con­di­ti­ons, and must be built to the hig­hest standards of design and workmanship.

In our opi­ni­on this means that the peo­p­le who build the­se boats, from the direc­tor down to the most juni­or staff mem­ber, must be total­ly com­mit­ted to their pro­ducts, and must work in the know­led­ge that their pro­ducts will have to be of the hig­hest qua­li­ty – not only hand­ling natu­ral for­ces at the height of storms at sea, but also with­stan­ding hea­vy col­li­si­ons with lar­ger ves­sels as they go alongsi­de. They must sur­vi­ve fal­ling off meter-high waves and must also swift­ly right them­sel­ves after capsizing.

Such con­di­ti­ons mean that tho­se who crew the­se boats have to trust that their boat is capa­ble of with­stan­ding the worst that natu­re and per­haps man can throw at them: trusted ship­buil­ders pro­du­ce trusted ves­sels and Hab­beké are the­re­fo­re one of the whar­ves whe­re the KRNM allow their boats to be built.