From Dut­ch coach to consortium
A clean sai­ling sport deser­ves a clean coach boat. That was the view of Jaap Ziel­huis, head coach of the Dut­ch team when he oversaw the port of Aar­hus during the World Sai­ling Cham­pi­ons­hips in 2018. The Sai­ling Inno­va­ti­on Cen­ter in The Hague sub­se­quent­ly brought
together a num­ber of com­pa­nies and (know­led­ge) insti­tu­ti­ons in a con­sor­ti­um to devel­op such a clean coach boat. For­mer Dut­ch top-sai­lors Sjoerd Vol­le­bregt, Cees van Bla­del and Pie­ter Lan­ter­mans, among others, are invol­ved in this.
After an ini­ti­al fea­si­bi­li­ty stu­dy by TU Delft stu­dents and a team of young pro­fes­si­o­nals of the Eco­no­mic Devel­op­ment Board Drecht­ste­den, the con­sor­ti­um has devel­o­ped a wor­king demon­stra­ti­on model (proof of con­cept), con­sis­ting of a tank with hydro­gen, a fuel cell,
a bat­tery and an elec­tric out­board motor with power­train and this set up has been tested in a sloop. A pro­to­ty­pe of the coach boat is under­go­ing fur­ther tes­ting in the port of Den Helder
in a rea­lis­tic user envi­ron­ment and the com­pa­ny H2 Mari­ne Solu­ti­ons has been esta­blis­hed to bring this coach boat on the mar­ket in 2023.
Smal­ler boats for pro­fes­si­o­nal use
H2 Mari­ne Solu­ti­ons is a com­pa­ny that devel­ops pro­ducts for sustai­na­ble sai­ling using hydro­gen. The focus is on fast sai­ling, smal­ler boats for pro­fes­si­o­nal use. Besi­des (top)
sai­ling coa­ches think of poli­ce, fire bri­ga­de, govern­men­tal orga­ni­za­ti­ons for water rela­ted infra­struc­tu­re, water taxis and other pas­sen­ger trans­port, patrol and other port ser­vi­ces, defen­se, coast­gu­ard and res­cue companies.
H2 Mari­ne Solu­ti­ons is buil­ding and tes­ting a coach boat for sai­ling sports. The first final ver­si­on will be laun­ched in the sum­mer of 2023. Next to that H2 Mari­ne Solu­ti­ons is devel­o­ping pack­a­ges (power­train, hard­wa­re, soft­wa­re) for con­ver­si­on of exis­ting boats:
bat­tery, tank, fuel cell and engi­ne in com­bi­na­ti­on with the right cou­plings and engi­ne mana­ge­ment sys­tem. A third acti­vi­ty will be con­sul­ting boat buil­ders about the hydro­gen technology.Characteristics of the H2 Mari­ne Solu­ti­ons coach boat
During the Youth World Sai­ling Cham­pi­ons­hip in Sche­ve­nin­gen, The Hague, Nether­lands (10–15 July 2022), H2 Mari­ne Solu­ti­ons will pre­sent a prototype.
During the World Sai­ling Cham­pi­ons­hips in the same venue in 2023 (10–20 August) a mar­ket-rea­dy pro­duct will be launched.

The H2 Mari­ne Solu­ti­ons boat is elec­tri­cally powe­red, whe­re the H2 (hydro­gen) is used as an extender.
Length over­all (LOA) 6.8m
Weight (ope­ra­ti­o­nal) 1100 kg
Power 50 kW
Capa­ci­ty bat­tery 40 kWh
Capa­ci­ty H2 51 kWh
Maxi­mum speed 25 kts
Sai­ling time 6 hrs
50 minu­tes at 25 kts
5.30 hrs at 6.5 kts