BN256 FTC502 Fast Ten­der Craft

Fast, sea­wort­hy water­jet powe­red ten­der built for ope­ra­ti­on at high, ice­bound lati­tu­des and in remo­te locations.

BN256 will act as ten­der to the 80 foot Explo­rer Yacht Van­gu­ard (

blog: Yacht Ten­der Design – Yacht Ten­der Manu­fac­tu­rers (


Length over­all: 5.5 metres
Maxi­mum Beam: 2.10 metres
Beam (hull): 2.00 metres
Draft: 0.30 metres
Weight: 1.4 ton (2 crew+fuel)
Fuel capa­ci­ty: 1 x 150 litres
Per­for­man­ce: 31 knots
Crew: 2 + 2
Mate­ri­al: Alu­mi­ni­um H111
Engi­ne: Yan­mar 4JH110
Water­jet: Castol­di TD224DA