Length o.a.: 8,80 m
Length cwl.: 8,17 m
Beam o.a. incl. sheer­st­ra­ke: 2,60 m
Beam Hull : 2,50 m
Draft at cwl: 0,85 m
Weight ful­ly loa­ded (4 crew): 2950 kg
Speed tri­al con­di­ti­on: 30 knots
Crui­sing speed: 25 knots
Ran­ge at full power: 100 nm
Crew: 16 pers.
Fuel Tank volu­me: 250 ltr.
Fresh water: 50 ltr.
Engi­ne: Volks­wa­gen Mari­ne TDI 265–6 or TDI 165–5 Hybri­de (7 kW)


Detai­led specifications: 

  • All floors and inte­ri­or in teak
  • On board the­re is a lar­ge toi­let com­part­ment and 7 hat­ches, most with stain­less steel gas springs and all ful­ly  lockable.  This allows the boat to remain unco­ver­ed when put to rest, with all pil­lows and fen­ders safe­ly sto­wed away. Only the helm needs to be cover­ed, a helm cover is inclu­ded in the standard package
  • The cock­pit can be used in seve­r­al ways for dining and/or slee­ping. The beer rail can be con­ver­ted into a 4 per­son dining table or bed, whi­le the addi­ti­on of the opti­o­nal spray dod­ger cre­a­tes a cosy sta­teroom with 2 slee­ping pla­ces. Ano­ther opti­on is to choo­se a soft top in the rear, pro­vi­ding ample room to sleep up to 4 people
  • The cen­tral stee­ring posi­ti­on pro­vi­des maxi­mum visi­bi­li­ty, whi­le enjoying the com­pa­ny of your guests
  • Cus­hi­ons are standard­ly inclu­ded, as well as the sun bed cus­hi­ons. The deco­ra­ti­ve pil­lows are opti­o­nal with a ran­ge of beau­ti­ful and ori­gi­nal designs under the advi­so­ry guid­an­ce of Equi­li­b­re Interiors
  • Standard equip­ped with a water flush elec­tric toi­let, sink, deck wash out­let and deck shower
  • Fresh water capa­ci­ty of 50 lit­res and a was­te water capa­ci­ty of 25 litres
  • Hydro­for water pres­su­re system
  • 2 Refri­ge­ra­tors of 36 litres
  • 2 Red top star­ting bat­te­ries and 1 ser­vi­ce bat­tery 12V-150Ah
  • 2 Out­lets; 12V and  230V-350W
  • Built-in cock­pit lighting
  • Built-in navi­ga­ti­on ligh­ting plus an all-round light
  • Also standard equip­ped with a flag and pole, anchor, anchor line, anchor sup­port in bench seat, moor­ing lines, fen­ders and a water ski pole
  • The Rud­der is pro­fi­led with alu­mi­ni­um, the head coa­ted with teak
  • Hydrau­lic steering
  • Pro­pel­ler, 4 bla­de brass
  • Shaft, stain­less steel and water lubricated
  • Thrus­ter, side-power 4.6 hp
  • 2 Fuel tanks of 125 lit­res each and a fuel con­sump­ti­on meter
  • Sen­sor acti­va­ted auto­ma­tic fire extin­guis­her sys­tem, built into the engi­ne box
  • The Coast­key, a wire­less engi­ne kill switch, gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to freely move around and impro­ves the secu­ri­ty on board. The lock is con­nec­ted to the engi­nes igni­ti­on sys­tem. When the key is at a dis­tan­ce of is 10–15 meters from the boat, the immo­bi­li­zer is acti­va­ted, pro­vi­ding fur­ther secu­ri­ty and pea­ce of mind

WOEST Raw Hybrid 8.8

A dou­ble ended, alu­mi­ni­um launch (spits­gat­sloep) with the under­wa­ter design of a speed­boat. Powe­red by a Hybrid Volks­wa­gen-Mari­ne 6 cylin­der 265HP TDI motor, capa­ble of attai­ning a top speed of 30 knots, yet able to motor silent­ly through the canals.

The stur­dy hull sha­pe and beau­ti­ful teak works are the result of pure Dut­ch crafts­mans­hip and atten­ti­on to detail.

The cen­tral stee­ring posi­ti­on pro­vi­des maxi­mum visi­bi­li­ty, whi­le enjoying the com­pa­ny of your guests. Woest comes ful­ly uphol­ste­red whi­le standard equip­ment inclu­des; a JBL sound sys­tem, toi­let, frid­ge, water ski­ing pole, sink and shower. The beer rail can be trans­fer­red into a table or bed with ease. Add  the spray dod­ger and the fore cock­pit trans­forms into a cosy sta­teroom. The inte­ri­or, howe­ver, can be adap­ted to dif­fe­rent needs, as it is cus­tom built.

Woest is low main­tenan­ce and self bai­ling, eli­mi­na­ting the need to be cover­ed at rest. For more details, plea­se have a look at specifications.