BN262 FCB550 Patrol

BN262 FCB550 This fast con­so­le boat is a litt­le bro­ther of our favo­ri­te FCB650 This con­so­le boat is ide­al for res­cue and patrol pur­po­ses. For its rela­ti­ve­ly short length it is very sea­wort­hy and sta­ble The well thought-out under­wa­ter hull ensu­res that the boat has no spray water, is very sta­ble at low and high…

BN261 FCB550 Patrol

BN261 FCB550 This fast con­so­le boat is a litt­le bro­ther of our favo­ri­te FCB650 This con­so­le boat is ide­al for res­cue and patrol pur­po­ses. For its rela­ti­ve­ly short length it is very sea­wort­hy and sta­ble The well thought-out under­wa­ter hull ensu­res that the boat has no spray water, is very sta­ble at low and high…

BN260 FCB550 Patrol

BN260 FCB550 This fast con­so­le boat is a litt­le bro­ther of our favo­ri­te FCB650 This con­so­le boat is ide­al for res­cue and patrol pur­po­ses. For its rela­ti­ve­ly short length it is very sea­wort­hy and sta­ble The well thought-out under­wa­ter hull ensu­res that the boat has no spray water, is very sta­ble at low and high…

BN257 FRC903 twin waterjet “Op Dreef” KNRM

FRC903 Fast Res­cue Craft A Fast Res­cue Craft (FRC), is a rela­ti­ve­ly small res­cue ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for search and res­cue (SAR) duties. They are usu­al­ly ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons coast guard, off­sho­re indu­stry, or life­boat institution,and are inten­ded for inland and off­sho­re envi­ron­ments. The FRC 903 / Fast Res­cue Craft 903 is desig­ned and…

BN256 FTC502 Fast Tender Craft

BN256 FTC502 Fast Ten­der Craft Fast, sea­wort­hy water­jet powe­red ten­der built for ope­ra­ti­on at high, ice­bound lati­tu­des and in remo­te loca­ti­ons. BN256 will act as ten­der to the 80 foot Explo­rer Yacht Van­gu­ard ( blog: Yacht Ten­der Design – Yacht Ten­der Manu­fac­tu­rers (   Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons: Length over­all: 5.5 met­res Maxi­mum Beam: 2.10 met­res Beam (hull): 2.00…