Fast Daughter Craft 1003 / 1103

Dut­ch Spe­ci­al Mari­ne Group has desig­ned a small ran­ge of Fast Daugh­ter Craft (FDC). A FDC’s func­ti­on is to ope­ra­te away from the mother ship or off­sho­re instal­la­ti­ons for exten­ded peri­ods of time. The pri­ma­ry func­ti­on is to search for and res­cue per­sons lost at sea. Effec­ti­ve search and reco­ve­ry requi­re a Fast Daugh­ter Craft with…

Fast Rescue Craft FRC1204

FRC1204 Fast Res­cue Craft A Fast Res­cue Craft (FRC), is a res­cue ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for search and res­cue (SAR) duties. They are usu­al­ly ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons coast guard, off­sho­re indu­stry, or life­boat insti­tu­ti­on, and are inten­ded for inland and off­sho­re envi­ron­ments. Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons Length OA: 12.0 m Beam: 4.1 m Draught: 0.8 m Dis­pla­ce­ment: 9 ton­nes Speed:…

Fast Rescue Craft FRC702

Fast Res­cue Craft FRC702 The FRC 702 is the litt­le sis­ter of the FRC903, same high qua­li­ty mate­ri­als and out­fi­ting only a smal­ler boa­t with a smal­ler pri­ce… This is only a example what we can do in this range,our ran­ge of alu­mi­ni­um ves­sels lend them­sel­ves to tre­men­dous amounts of cus­to­mi­za­ti­on. we can start with a basic…

BN204 Multi-Mission USV System

BN204  Mul­­ti-Mis­­si­on USV Sys­tem A Naval For­ce Mul­ti­plier USV Sys­tem In coo­p­e­ra­ti­on with our part­ner De Haas Maas­sluis , we have built this clas­si­fied ves­sel: Mate­ri­al: Alu­mi­num LOA: 12 M Propul­si­on: 2x Pro­pel­lers & 2x Thrus­ters Engi­nes: 2 (Die­sel) End­uran­ce: >4 Days Beau­fort Sea Sta­te: 4/7 (Operational/survivable)

BN203 FRC903 twin Springbok KNRM

BN203 FRC903 twin Spring­bok KNRM FRC903 Fast Res­cue Craft A Fast Res­cue Craft (FRC), is a rela­ti­ve­ly small res­cue ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for search and res­cue (SAR) duties.They are usu­al­ly ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons coast guard, off­sho­re indu­stry, or life­boat institution,and are inten­ded for inland and off­sho­re envi­ron­ments. The FRC 903 / Fast Res­cue Craft © 903…

BN202 FRC903 twin Citro, Curaçao

BN202 FRC903 twin Citro, Curaçao FRC903 Fast Res­cue Craft A Fast Res­cue Craft (FRC), is a rela­ti­ve­ly small res­cue ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for search and res­cue (SAR) duties.They are usu­al­ly ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons coast guard, off­sho­re indu­stry, or life­boat institution,and are inten­ded for inland and off­sho­re envi­ron­ments. The FRC 903 / Fast Res­cue Craft Â©…

BN201 Multi-Mission USV System, AWARD WINNING SHIP OF THE YEAR 2017

BN201  Mul­­ti-Mis­­si­on USV Sys­tem A Naval For­ce Mul­ti­plier USV Sys­tem In coo­p­e­ra­ti­on with our part­ner De Haas Maas­sluis , we have built this clas­si­fied ves­sel and award win­ning “ship of the year 2017”   Mate­ri­al: Alu­mi­num LOA: 12 M Propul­si­on: 2x Pro­pel­lers & 2x Thrus­ters Engi­nes: 2 (Die­sel) End­uran­ce: >4 Days Beau­fort Sea Sta­te: 4/7 (Operational/survivable)  

BN199 FRC903 twin Cornelis Dito KNRM

BN199 Cor­ne­lis Dito KNRM FRC903 Fast Res­cue Craft A Fast Res­cue Craft (FRC), is a rela­ti­ve­ly small res­cue ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for search and res­cue (SAR) duties.They are usu­al­ly ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons coast guard, off­sho­re indu­stry, or life­boat institution,and are inten­ded for inland and off­sho­re envi­ron­ments. The FRC 903 / Fast Res­cue Craft Â©…