BN243 Boothuis 1206 VRZ

BN243 Boot­huis 1206 VRZ   Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard is known for sup­ply­ing qua­li­ty fast alu­mi­num boats. More than 50 years of expe­rien­ce in buil­ding and main­tai­ning alu­mi­num ships. But the ques­ti­on from a cus­to­mer: can we also build a boa­t­hou­se? Yes of cour­se! Com­ple­te­ly built to your wis­hes, ask us about the pos­si­bi­li­ties:    Boat hou­se 1206…

BN240 FRC1405 VBZR

Whi­le the volun­teers of the “Vrij­wil­li­ge Blan­ken­berg­se Zee­red­dings­dienst” (VBZR) are very satis­fied with their cur­rent lar­gest SAR ves­sels, STRAFFE HENDRIK & STERKEN DRIES, the­re are unde­nia­bly points for impro­ve­ment on the­se designs. The wor­king area of the VBZR extends from the Dut­ch coast at Cad­zand to the Bel­gi­an city Ostend. Res­cue ope­ra­ti­ons out­si­de the 5‑mile…