BN235 Workboat KB803

BN235 Work­boat KB803 Typi­cal 18th cen­tu­ry farm ves­sel, with straight out­ward­ly pro­t­ru­ding sterns. Flat bottom clin­ker built with stron­gly pro­jec­ting edges and a buoy that is ver­ti­cal along the sides, but is in line with the bottom edge at the bow and stern. Com­mon size: 8.5 x 2.8m. The ves­sel can be rowed as well as…

BN234 FCB550 Patrol

The FCB550 is a new design from Pie­ter Meu­ze­laar,  Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard. This fast con­so­le boat is a litt­le bro­ther of our favo­ri­te FCB650 This con­so­le boat is ide­al for res­cue and patrol pur­po­ses. For its rela­ti­ve­ly short length it is very sea­wort­hy and sta­ble The well thought-out under­wa­ter hull ensu­res that the boat has no…

BN233 Vanquish VQ45

For Van­quish yachts we have built the hull of a VQ45 Length overall:13.45 m / 44.3 ft Beam max:4.1 m / 13.5 ft Draught:0.85 m / 2.9 ft Displacement:9.5 Tons Fuel capacity:800 L / 211 US gal Max speed:40+ knots (depen­ding on engi­ne choi­ce) Engines:2x Vol­vo IPS 500 or IPS 600 or IPS650 more info at: VQ50 ( The VQ45 is…

BN232 G7

Ten­der­li­ne G7 no-non­­sen­­se top boot. De G7 is echt een boot om met de hele fami­lie plus vrien­den een dag heer­lijk te chil­len. Door de enor­me open voor­kant kan je er fan­tas­tisch loun­gen op de opti­o­neel ver­krijg­ba­re zit­zak­ken. Ook is het moge­lijk om je boot te per­so­na­li­se­ren met een waan­zin­ni­ge folie­wrap. Er is dus voor iedereen…

BN229 FCB650 patrol

BN229 FCB650 Patrol The FCB650 is a new design from Pie­ter Meu­ze­laar  Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard. This con­so­le boat is ide­al for res­cue and patrol pur­po­ses. For its LOA of 650cm, the ship is very sea­wort­hy and sta­ble. The well thought-out under­wa­ter hull ensu­res that the boat has no spray water, is very sta­ble at low and…

BN227 Tenderline Youngster 560 Family

BN227 Ten­der­li­ne Young­ster 560 Fami­ly Fore­ver Young(ster) When you step on board the Young­ster you imme­di­a­te­ly feel the child in you emer­ge. Shi­ny alu­mi­num, a strong out­board motor and a won­der­ful fee­ling of free­dom. The Young­ster is tru­ly a friend of eve­ry­o­ne in which you defi­ni­te­ly want to be seen. Whe­ther you want to sail…

BN226 Deckhouse Doggersbank 66

BN226 This beau­ti­ful and clas­sic deck­hou­se is for a Dog­gers­bank 66 Built for Alte­na Tech­ni­sche gege­vens Alte­na Dog­gers­bank 66 Leng­te over alles 20,05 m. LWL 18,28 m. Breed­te 5,65 m. diep­gang 1,70 m. Kruip­hoog­te 5,25 m. Water­ver­plaat­sing 68 ton. Romp­ma­te­ri­aal: staal. Opbouw: alu­mi­ni­um. Moto­ri­se­ring: 2 x John Deere 235 pk.